Proper 7 | Ordinary Time 12, Cycle B
Our understanding of the Mark 4:35-41 Gospel account about Jesus stilling the storm on the Sea of Galilee is enhanced by the use in this lectionary of Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32 with it. Therefore, let us begin our consideration of the multiple texts offered for next Sunday in The Revised Common Lectionary with Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32. [...]
Proper 6 | Ordinary Time 11, Cycle B
Mark 4:26-34 The hidden activity of God is a major theme within many of the most notable narratives within the Hebrew Bible (our Old Testament), for example, within the Joseph story in Genesis 37-50, in the book of Ruth, and in the story of the court history of David in 2 Samuel 6–1 Kings 2. [...]
Trinity Sunday, Cycle B
The Festival of the Holy Trinity is an occasion on which we are called to speak boldly and as well as is humanly possible about our faith in God and about how we perceive God. The texts selected, the liturgy, and within the liturgy especially the hymns provide resources for our use. Beyond these, there are people, and ultimately there is God.
The Day of Pentecost, Cycle B
On this day we enter into the period of each year in which we celebrate the ongoing activity of God in our lives. The activity of God has a special meaning for us as Christians because of the life of Jesus. The texts appointed for this day, however, are a reminder to us that the [...]
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Cycle B
John 17:6-17 For the members of the Johannine community while this text was being developed, Jesus was “no longer in the world.” But the members of the Johannine community were “still in the world.” Our own situation is somewhat similar to this on the Sunday after the Ascension. We too are “in the world” without [...]