Fourth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B
John 10:11-18 Among the John 10 texts selected in this pericope series for the Fourth Sunday of Easter (the Great Shepherd of the Sheep Sunday), we have this year in Series B the central text. It is the only one of the three (John 10:1-10 in Series A, John 10:11-18 in Series B, and John [...]
Second Sunday of Easter, Cycle B
Psalm 133
Since the only texts selected from the Older Testament for the Sundays after Easter in Series A, B, and C of this lectionary are the readings from the Psalms, with selections from the Lukan literary drama Acts of Apostles used for the First Reading instead of texts from the Old Testament, the selections from the Psalms should be given special attention during the coming six weeks.
Wednesday of Holy Week
John 13:21-32 Not only is the Johannine Jesus in this text depicted as having the foreknowledge of which of the twelve disciples will “betray” him, the Johannine Jesus is portrayed as in a sense mandating that betrayal by saying to Judas Iscariot, “That which you are going to do, do it soon.” Various interpretations have [...]
Monday of Holy Week
John 12:1-11 Monday of Holy Week is introduced with this account that is only in the Fourth Gospel, about an anointing of the feet of Jesus by Mary, the sister of Martha and of Lazarus, whom Jesus, according to John 11:1-44, had resurrected from the dead. The account makes a major contribution to the plot [...]
Resurrection of the Lord
Acts 10:34-43 As the Lukan playwright presents it, Peter announces to Cornelius in this text that Jesus as the Risen Christ has been appointed by God to be the judge of both those who are living and of those who have died and that everyone who believes in Jesus as the Risen Christ receives forgiveness [...]