Reformation Day, Cycle A, B, C
This day and these texts, although they are not included in The Revised Common Lectionary, are provided for our consideration here from Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006, 58). For a biblically based reformation emphasis, reflecting over past reformation efforts in the Church during past centuries and reformation efforts needed in our own time, [...]
All Saints Day, Cycle B
John 11:32-44 The message of this text is that the Johannine Jesus has the power of God to raise from the dead a beloved friend who had been dead for four days and already was decomposing! This is a very powerful message that we treasure, since we fully realize that we too will die and [...]
Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30, Cycle B
Following the emphasis this past Sunday on struggling and suffering, we have in the first three texts to consider for next Sunday the cry to God, “Have mercy on me!” expressed or implied directly to God or to God through Jesus. The prayers for mercy are prayers of communities of faith in the two Older [...]
Proper 23 | Ordinary Time 28, Cycle B
Most of our attention both exegetically and homiletically in preparation for next Sunday should probably be focused on Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 and Mark 10:17-31. These two tests provide similar prescriptions for life. “If you wish to live,” they both say, “seek the Lord God, who is good, for the Lord God gives life!” What are [...]
Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23, Cycle B
As if to compensate for the paucity of direct proclamation of the gospel in the texts that were used last Sunday, those who selected the readings for this lectionary have provided clear expressions of the gospel in the texts selected for next Sunday. As we read these texts, it is as if we are in Eden in an orchard filled with many varieties of fresh fruit that is ours for the picking! From among these rich resources we can pick as much as we can use and give away this week and next Sunday.