Advent 4, Cycle C
The Collect (Prayer of the Day) for Advent 4 is truly a classic. It is not a weak “Help us to do so and so.” Instead, it is a bold call in the best Older Testament style with its “Stir up your power, O Lord, and come! Take away our sins and make us ready [...]
Advent 3, Cycle C
The dominating theme of these texts and of Advent 3 is eager expectation. The message for Advent 3 in Series C, therefore, differs from the message for Advent 2 not in substance but in intensity. Not only is the Lord going to do something good for people; the Lord is coming now! The proclamation is [...]
Advent 2, Cycle C
In each of the texts selected for this day, those who are addressed are urged to look forward in anticipation of good things that will occur when God will act decisively in behalf of people who are in need. Each of the situations differs from each other, and our situation differs from each of these. [...]
Advent 1, Cycle C
Advent, as the season of anticipation for the coming of the Lord, is unique within our Church Year in that during Advent each year we are encouraged to look forward to new and future acts of God, not only with all other Christian people, but with all who are theists throughout the world. Approximately 67% [...]
Transfiguration Sunday, Cycle B
2 Kings 2:1-12 This account is evidence that there was a tendency in the direction of the deification of Elijah within some Israelite traditions, just as there may have been with regard to Moses (Deuteronomy 34:1-12) and earlier within some Semitic traditions with respect to Enoch (Genesis 5:22-24). The accounts of the ascension of Jesus [...]