Epiphany 9
The Ninth Sunday after the Epiphany is rarely celebrated as such among us. The texts selected for this Sunday are used only when Easter is very late in the Church Year and in Churches in which the Last Sunday after the Epiphany is not celebrated as Transfiguration Sunday. Deuteronomy 5:12-15 Within the guidelines provided in [...]
Epiphany 8
Perhaps the most significant theme that runs through these four texts is the theme of God’s action in providing something new for the people of God. It may be new or renewed life that God as a loving, gracious Father or Husband supplies. It may be new wine to revive and invigorate (certainly not to [...]
Epiphany 7
In each of these four texts there is an affirmation from God of a sinner or community of sinners and in each text there is an affirmation of God by people. The basic elements of worship are present, therefore, in these texts. Isaiah 43:18-25 Even though the people of God had not honored God with [...]
Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5, Cycle B
Isaiah 40:21-31 God is acclaimed in this text as not only the Creator of all of the splendor of the universe, but also as the one who watches over and actually mini-manages everything, without ever growing weary or lacking in understanding. Although even young men and women become tired and weak during strenuous activity, all [...]
Christmas 2
Jeremiah 31:7-14 This thoroughly optimistic text is a reminder to us that the concept “salvation” in much of the Older Testament is primarily corporate and this-worldly and in most of the Newer Testament is primarily individualistic and is often otherworldly. By accepting both the Older and the Newer as its biblical canon, the early Church [...]