Baptism of the Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1, Cycle B
With these texts we return to the Gospel According to Mark. In the Baptism of Jesus account in Mark 1:4-11 we have the core of what has often been called the “Adoptionist Christology” of this First Gospel. We read here that Jesus came along with multitudes of people from the rural areas of Judea and [...]
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Christmas — Proper 3
All four of the texts chosen for our use on Christmas Day refer to the coming of the Lord God. That coming is perceived in a way that is unique to each text. The most noticeable differences are that in the two texts from the Older Testament the coming of the Lord is expressed by [...]
Christmas — Proper 2
Isaiah 62:6-12 After many years during which the grain and the wine from the vineyards of Jerusalem had been given by the Lord God to the enemies of its people, the people of Israel are depicted here as streaming back to the city from the broad highway cleared of all stones and obstructions over which [...]
Christmas — Proper 1
Isaiah 9:2-7 The usage of religious traditions affects the form and even the content of those traditions. For example, usage of evergreen trees that are brought into our homes, stores, and churches during the season of Christmas over periods of time has affected the trees themselves. The use of such trees, especially when they are [...]
Advent 2, Cycle B
In each of these texts God’s grace is proclaimed in typical Advent season form in part as a gift already received and in part as a gift anticipated for the future. In Isaiah 40:1-11, in Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13, in 2 Peter 3:8-15a, and in Mark 1:1-8 the hearers of the message are urged to prepare [...]