Proper 7 / Ordinary Time 12 / Pentecost 2, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY Christian life made easy. The texts make clear why Christian life is easy — for it is not our work, but the result of God’s grace (Justification and Sanctification). Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17 A prayer for deliverance from personal enemies attributed to David, a lament. As we have noted previously, many scholars [...]
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Trinity Sunday, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY An eternally loving, life-changing Triune God! The festival invites sermons on the Trinity, the love of God (Justification by Grace), and its implications for Christian life (Sanctification), as well as in the case of several of the texts the doctrine of Creation. Psalm 8 This hymn of praise was traditionally ascribed [...]
Pentecost Sunday, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY The Holy Spirit, the church, and outreach. Historically the church has also commemorated its origins on this festival. Sermons on the Holy Spirit and the church are especially appropriate for this festival. Psalm 104:24-34, 35b This is a hymn to God the Creator, with praise for his providential interventions. It has [...]
Easter 7, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY Living by God’s awesome vision. In line with the festival of the Ascension just celebrated, the texts invite reflection on God’s magnificence (God and Trinity) and awesome rule (Providence) as well as the comfort this affords (Justification by Grace) and the humility nurtured (Sanctification). Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 The song is a [...]
Ascension of Our Lord, Cycle A
This theme of heavenly power and cosmic presence of Christ leads to consideration of Providence, Christology (the Cosmic Christ, including Creation), the good news of Justification by Grace, as well as Sanctification and the Mission Imperative.