Easter 6, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY The great things God’s love does. The texts provide a witness to the great things that God’s love and grace do (Providence, Justification by Grace, Sanctification, and Revelation). Psalm 66:8-20 The text is a liturgy of praise and thanksgiving. The reference to Selah just before the lesson begins is a liturgical [...]
Easter 5, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY What God’s love does to us. The lessons direct us to the impact grace has on everyday life (Sanctification and its relation to Justification by Grace). Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 The song is a lament prayer for deliverance from personal enemies, traditionally ascribed to David. As we said last week, scholars have [...]
Easter 4, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY God takes charge! Historically this has been “Good Shepherd Sunday.” It was celebrated a week earlier under the theme of the goodness of God. This Sunday was historically a day for rejoicing — a celebration of the various ways in which God has been in charge (Providence and its various manifestations [...]
Easter 3, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY: Amazing grace! Historically this has been a Sunday to celebrate the goodness of God. The focus of the sermons should be placed on what God has done and is doing for us in our daily lives (Atonement and Justification by Grace), with attention to how this is a word which alleviates our despair (Sin).
Easter 2, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY Christ and the resurrection have their way with us. Historically, this was the first Sunday during which newly baptized members (since baptisms occurred only on Easter in the first centuries) would be admitted into the fellowship as full members of the church, and so this theme of how Christ, his Resurrection, [...]