Easter Sunday, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY The Resurrection: its reality and impact. As a day of celebration of what God has done in Christ, Justification by Grace and its implications for Christian life (Sanctification) are the primary themes. Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 This thanksgiving for deliverance in battle is one of the Egyptian Hallel Psalms (Psalms of Praise) [...]
Good Friday, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY How the Cross changes everyday life. The texts and the nature of Good Friday direct us to the doctrines of Christology (the suffering of Jesus and how he then identifies with us in our suffering), Sin, Atonement, Justification by Grace, and to some extent Sanctification. Psalm 22 The Psalm is a [...]
Maundy Thursday / Holy Thursday, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY In the presence of Christ! The focus of the texts is on the sacraments (especially the Lord’s Supper), Repentance, and Sanctification. Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 This is a thanksgiving for healing and/or deliverance. God is praised for healing us, a witness made amidst the whole congregation in the temple (vv. 1-2, 18-19). [...]
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Passion / Palm Sunday, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY God’s love shines through the Cross and changes us. This is a Sunday for reflection on the Atonement, the love of God and its implications (Justification and Sanctification by Grace), along with some reflection on our Sin. Psalm 31:9-16 This is a prayer for deliverance from personal enemies attributed to David. [...]
Lent 5, Cycle A
THEME OF THE DAY With God you get a new way up ahead. Looking ahead to Easter, these texts focus us on Sin, Atonement, Justification by Grace, Sanctification, and Eschatology. Psalm 130 This is a prayer of lament for deliverance from personal trouble. It is also one of the Songs of Ascent, a collection of [...]