Passion/Palm Sunday, Cycle B
There is a long tradition on the Sixth Sunday in Lent for many people within Christianity of reading one of the texts each year that portray Jesus riding on an animal into the city of Jerusalem. This “Palm Sunday” tradition can be maintained by reading and by dramatizing Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16 during the Series B year as the Processional Gospel at the beginning of the worship service. The experience will be even more profound if the readings and dramatizations of one of these “Triumphal Entry” of Jesus into Jerusalem texts is preceded by a dramatic reading or dramatization of Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29, either with the entire worshiping congregation processing into the church building or with choir members and other liturgists with strong voices beginning outside the entrance to the building and processing in to join the worshiping congregation already seated.
Lent 5, Cycle B
John 12:20-33 In this interesting text that concludes this series of passion-resurrection predictions there are two different symbols used by the Johannine writers and community in describing Jesus’ death and the life that is by faith a result of that death. The first of these two symbols (in 12:23-25) uses an analogy from life experiences [...]